Making Bubbles

Hurrah for a bit of sun today which dried out some of the puddles in the neighbourhood.
I hope it's also dried out my umbrella which saw valiant service yesterday, but escaped during a Fringe show last night and is now, it seems, the property of someone else.
Finders, keepers, as they say, but I do think it was a bit mean not to hand it in to lost property. Perhaps the lucky lady was in need of it more than I.

There were several things to do on my list today and most were accomplished, one of the exceptions being a visit to the O2 shop to see if they could fathom out why my new phone had stopped putting my emails into my Social Hub folder.

This next statement sounds oh so sexist, but when it was the lady assistant who offered to help, my heart sank. Where was the geeky technical guru lurking behind the counter, who would probably have fixed everything in a trice?
No, this was his day off, and after fiddling for about half an hour, the demoiselle proclaimed that she couldn't help and I would have to make an appointment with the guru on Friday.

And the other failure was the absence of roll mop herrings in M&S. How could they have run out, just when I had discovered them? The Ikea variety are far too mushy and not at all how mother used to make them. Indeed I made them too, in my youth, but at this gentrified age, I see no reason why I should go back to basics when it's so easy to open a plastic tub.

I spent an enjoyable hour at a lunchtime show before walking home past this girl producing the biggest bubbles I've ever seen, and all with two twigs, some string and a bucket of soapy water. Amazing.

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