Coming Soon to a Place Near You

A wander past the courtyard entrance to the now defunct outdoor Mosque Kitchen, revealed a large empty desolate space - no ill fitting, dirty, vintage perspex roof with gaps allowing the entry of rain, no long tables standing at rakish angles and harbouring the odd pools of rainwater and stains of bird poo, no plastic chairs with wet seats,- just a big clean, clear space, which seemed altogether rather disturbing with just the ghosts of its former inhabitants.

The new neighbouring indoor Mosque Kitchen, doesn't seem to inspire the same sort of masochistic pleasure and allegiance that one had sitting slightly askew on damp chairs, wearing as many layers as was necessary to withstand the bitter chill that always seemed to whistle around one's ears.
The delicious curries had to be eaten at breakneck speed to avoid the air temperature cooling them to rather less of a gastronomic delight.

But look, above the courtyard is this sign: a harbinger of hope for the reinstatement of al fresco dining.

What were the Mosque hierarchy thinking when they tried to force us into sanitised dining, when it so much more exciting to brave the elements and pigeons and commune with nature. After all, what are the escaping raindrops, splashes of bird poo, damp bottoms and frost bitten ears compared to the experience of supping with fellow eccentrics.? I rest my case. Coming soon I hope.

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