Having a Wee Sit Down

It was shaping up to being a stressful morning.

A payment by phone to clear a debt left by Cairo boy, another load to the charity shop, a bag of empty jam jars to EcoDad and finally a visit to the land of the flat pack to buy hundreds of pounds worth of kit to be delivered and built in the Dower House next week.

With SooB, the acclaimed do-it-yourself assembler of flat packs being too far away to help, we have enlisted the skills of a professional from the flat pack emporium to do the job and save a marriage.

The load of kit needed two trolleys and the help of a young muscle bound assistant to load it all. His Lordship was eager to wire in, but I restrained him. I don't need pulled muscles at this stage of the game.

We managed to conduct the operation with only raised voices on one or two occasions and were sufficiently in tandem to travel home in the same car. It has been known.......... but I won't go into that.

The good news for today is that the picture of the 20 week scan, which winged its way over the ether from West Yorkshire, of the newest- to- be grandchild, shows a nice head and no visible dangly bits which could mean a granddaughter, or a grandson hiding his manhood. But everything is fine.We'll just have to contain ourselves until Christmas.

Now I'm waiting for my friend to come for a blether and a sit on her favourite settee before it wings its way in the other direction to West Yorkshire.

How time flies when you're having fun.

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