An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

I know, I know...'s only 2 days since I blipped a feather and yesterday I blipped a bird (with its feathers obviously...plucked birds are not my idea of a good blip although someone will no doubt prove me wrong at some point) but time is short, the camera battery is now flat, I am knackered and all I managed to photograph today was a swan feather from yesterday that I found sticking to my bag this morning.

So to alleviate my feelings of inadequacy at blipping similar things 3 days in a row, let's just call this part 3 of a 3 part series entitled Feathers. If I end up blipping anything feather related tomorrow it will of course then become a 4 part series. As ever, best viewed LARGE (sorry don't know how to get the link to the large version).

Usual day today. My handwritten diaries used to say that all the time....usual day today....and of course reading them years later I had absolutely no recollection of what represented a usual day at that point in my life! So for the sake of future reference...was up at the crack of dawn, showered and dressed, hair still curly, got Alan breakfasted and off to school. Went to work. Came home. Took photos of a feather till camera battery died. Said a bad word. Started preparing Alan's dinner. Uploaded blip.

I have no idea how I cope with the levels of excitment in my life. Just as well I'm an adrenalin junkie eh? ;-)

Off now to look try and chose blips for the book being organised by Missymoo. No doubt I will get engrossed in this activity, burn Alan's potatoes and have to start again!

Still, it's Friday tomorrow! Wooooo hooooooo!!! :)))

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