
Her real name's Margaret. When we first became friends on Twitter a few years ago I was instantly entranced by her first class mind and evil sense of humour. Since then we've skyped and emailed and Facebooked until I quit Fb out of boredom a few weeks ago. She's an artist, blogger and many other things. I love the kind of stuff she writes about, like this.

We finally met in person when T and I visited her at home in beautiful Suffolk countryside. Her cottage is crammed with books, photographs and artwork, many of which are hers. She has 2 friendly cats named Lucy and Audrey who occasionally steal her sausages and bring her gifts of freshly killed (or just very annoyed but still alive) mice.

You know how people say you can't always be sure you'll like the person you meet in person as much as you enjoy their online persona? Pah. There was none of that with Margaret. As soon as she welcomed us with bear hugs we knew she was "worth the detour" as the Guide Michelin puts it. And if not for her cats, we'd have taken her home with us.

~ a backblip

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