With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

A grand day out in Lancs

Southport Flower Show was the place to be to enjoy the last of the sunshine (oh please let that not be true). Like yesterday, we did see some flowers in the end. This is the offering from Kirkham prison, always seeming to produce something imaginative and beautiful. I also loved the Japanese type garden with its black water, grasses, immaculate paving and lush greens and purples. Wonderful.

Meanwhile, Little A was thrilled by the Dog Display Team, The Knights of the Damned (dashing horses and horsemen and even more flexible horsewoman ) Ben Potter and his birds of prey (fab) and finally The Drakes of Hazard (trust a Scotsman to have my child standing on one leg in a hoop, whilst being herded by a ten ducks and a sheepdog). Oh, just get down there and look out for the steak pies. The best we've ever tasted, really!

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