Fiddle Sticks

My daughter still loves taking her violin lessons and has now asked for piano lessons, too. Her teacher is trying to talk us into an additional day of group violin lessons. I have always worried about over-scheduling a young child, and have felt that ways since even before I read this recent article. I think three days of music lessons per week is overboard for a six-year-old; she hasn't written her first symphony yet, so I'm assuming she's not a prodigy. Haven't made any commitments yet other than the weekly violin lesson. She will probably continue weekly Chinese lessons and karate.

Today, at the end of a 45 minute lesson, she broke down in tears. I was surprised because she was doing so well. Her teacher even removed the last piece of tape from the neck of the violin since she knows where to put her fingers now. She told me her fingers and feet hurt. (Mine would have, too!) Perhaps that was the reminder I need that she really is just a little kid. I'd like to keep her that way as long as I can.

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