
By notsonormallife

Bus W***er

I have no idea what to write about.. My mins is full of many things yet seems empty so far this week. People often use the expression that they know you better than you know yourself, I always kind of never believed that was possible. Turns out I do now. Not because someone has known me better than myself, but that i have done things I never expected myself to do. That sounds a lot different than what I intended it too, there are small things about myself that I didn't realise. Like how I would react in certain situations, like not realising how annoyed I will get when a friend won't trust you anymore, & how jealous & annoyed i got when another friend won't offer help yet you offering them loads.

The picture was taken of a routemaster bus which parked outside my work. I took to send to a staff who loves buses...

Bigger blip next tune

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