Neo Noodles...... to be a panther.

Work was very busy today.

Weather was a bit mixed, grey, cold, windy and at one point chucking it down with rain, but interspersed with bright sunshine, reminded me of English weather.

This evening Alexandra shared with me a new hair product. This involved both of us washing our hair, and then smearing on this new product, with me then rushing down to the tumble-dryer to get 2 hot towels to wrap our hair in. Wait 10 minutes, rinse it out. Voila, beautiful hair!

Well, it smells and feels nice. So I suppose it worked.

So I didn't have much time to take a blip. Neo was laying on the stairs, so I took this photo, next thing he's made himself comfy in my lap, so that was that, end of taking photos.

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