Tay Ghillie

By challum

Eshaness Cliffs

A bracing Sunday morning walk along the cliffs of Eshaness. Pretty windy today, but nothing compared to the storms that have tossed these rocks 100 feet or more onto the grassy headlands - I can't even imagine what this place must be like in the winter!

Coming back down the road we called into the Brae Hotel for a rather disappointing carvery lunch. Advertised in the local paper as 'famous' with 'booking advised' we were one of only two occupied tables. The food was okay, but not what I've come to expect up here. Oh well, put this down to experience.

Another beautiful sunny day. Hoping to visit Fair Isle tomorrow. Our anniversary holiday is going just brilliant, with the most fantastic weather and times together. Very happy!

Please take a look at my back blip of yesterday.

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