Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

I'm Fuzzy

I've been chasing these darned things around our yard for what feels like a month and they never sit still long enough for me to focus and shoot. Lo and behold, this morning there was one flitting around on the zinnia so I was actually able to get off a few decent shots. Not quite as sharp as I'd like, but I think she looks nice against the colors.

The hubs and I went out to Swartswood Lake this morning hoping to find some nice wildlife, but the only thing we saw were some deer and they were so far back in the woods that I couldn't get a decent shot. It was better to just enjoy the moment. Somewhere along one of the trails, I must have dropped my lens hood, so will have to try to pick up another one this week.

By the way Seamus the Cricket seems to have moved on as I haven't seen him today. He appears to have fed on some flower nectar, pooped a lot, and left. Life ...

Enjoy what's left of the weekend!

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