Oh so nearly, but not quite

For some bewildering reason, a successful day in my house involves managing to complete a large number of tasks without the hindrance or interference of small demanding people. Thus today was pretty successful, in fact the weekend was so. After 18 months I managed to clean some windows, I love the brightness this brings.

It started with the sleepover guests having a bit of a lark while we quietly ate downstairs,ah the benefits of an elder guest, to organise the troops into a coordinated mass of, on the whole, fun.

With that in mind, I think I need to get some priorities sorted out pretty sharpish. That said we have recently taken to experimenting as we have never done before with childrne in the culinary department. Our visitors last night help in this given that they will try anything, which invariably inspires our eldest two to do the same.

The afternoon was spent sorting out all manner if wholly irrelevant stuff pondering over the loneliness of the long distance would be only child. A neighbour has to all intents and purposes painted herself into a corner and has made herself not very popular with the children who play round our way. I feel for the child I have to say, unfortunately, often however, there is a self destruct button on the forehead for some people.

A lovely day.

One success story this year was my desire to plant some beans and sunflowers. They are pretty small but they are attracting all manner of insects to the garden.

Oh and it rained, very lightly for about five minutes.


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