My Life Is Not Average

By melamny

Jazz Hands

At breakfast this morning all of us from Lead Up at the Review weekend wore these crazy masks and claimed a couple of tables to ourselves (not that we're exclusive or anything). We also had party poppers and had fun generally being silly. After breakfast we took some group photos such as this one!

Went to a seminar on how to get the most out of the Bible, which was really interesting. We then played some games in the games hall where we had the ceilidh last night, and after coming second in a game where you run from one side of the hall to the other trying not to get hit by a ball being thrown at you, I sat the rest of the games out. Need to work on the fitness ...

Learned a new song in the meeting, and heard from Emlyn Williams who was speaking at the Big Celebration yesterday. It was then lunch, duties, and goodbyes, and hopefully-see-you-soons. Bus back to Edinburgh took longer than it was meant to, but it gave us more time to talk!

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