snapped by a curious mind

By iphigenie


If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down? We might, if they screamed all the time, for no good reason. ~Jack Handey

Yes, sorry, another plant bit! Tomorrow I'll try to find the time for a more popular blip again, I'm hooked to comments now :)

I have taken quite a few photos lately of trees trying to grow branches where humans definitively dont want them to - and where it is quite obvious they have been trying to grow a branch year on year for a very long time - usually the place where the first branch grew which was there before the humans needed the space it was in.

Each time the humans cut it off, and each time the tree tries a few shoots again.

The shape of these dozens of branching attempts always kind of looks like confused puzzlement "why cant i grow my branch here???".

The one here is still new, there arent all that many attempts. It is in the middle of a parking lot though, so it has no chance of getting its branch no matter how many times it tries.

Nice of them to leave the tree (many would cut a 200 or more year old tree to get one more parkings space), I guess, and tough for the little sturdy branch that tried.

Plants are stubborn though, and this tree will keep trying. It cant do otherwise, it's just a tree and will try to grow.

More here, here and here - just to prove I mean it when I said I have taken a few! This one is not the best one, even a tad blurry, but it is the one I took today, while make exactly this kind of blabbering theory to a friend (who's going to join blip, if nothing else just to leave nice comments, right? right??).

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