Chasing Rainbows

By Clairenichols

Painted Lady Butterflies

The caterpillars arrived on 27th July in a cardboard box marked 'open immediately'.

Within the box was a container with 5 small caterpillars (see blip of 28th). There was food provided in the container and small air holes.

There was a lot of munching and silk threading over the coming week (see blip of 4th August).

After about 10 days of the arrival they formed chrysalides and were transfered to the hayching habitat.

They sat peaceful for two weeks and chose today (my day off) to hatch. I was lucky enough to see 1 hatch live.

I'll be feeding them fruit in a bit when Billy goes to bed and releasing them tomorrow.

1 of the 5 has not yet hatched so i hope the little dude is ok :-)

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