Capital adventures

By marchmont


Cream, cream or cocobolo? What would you choose?

Back to the Pommery Champagne Bar, took E this time. After an afternoon tea 'sugar rush' we had a quick look at what the Royal Mile had to offer. It was E's first visit but it was quieter today though the flyers are still being pushed. Talked to some young guys from York who are beginning to doubt if there is life outside the Edinburgh Fringe.

Back home I'm making some progress on the 'Green Giant' but not on some other things. That feels like 1 step forward and 2 back, like being sucked down into a Kafkaesque vortex.

K and I went to the Christine Bovill concert tonight. No Piaf, but some or her own stuff, Dylan and Leonard Cohen, oh and an Everly Bros. Fantastic voice, shame about the intrusive drumming. Bumped into another K in the Ghillie Dhu, which was great, another scion of the Aberdeen mafia.

Oh and gwiwer, Welsh for squirrel, of course, advertising 'The Squirrel Party' It's l'écureuil in French.

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