
By rubyjones

The coolest Art Dept in Havana. Or anywhere.

The Art Dept under the guidance of an art director essentially create the
look of the sets. Be it space-age/medieval/ordinary (very hard to do incidentally)
they're your men/women.

In this instance they are also very, very cool people.
Carlo (the Javier Bardem lookalike) can get anything, anything you
want prop-wise or will have it made in double-quick time.
Marel, the woman behind him, used to be an Interpreter at the UN.
Oh, and the tasty geezer holding the computer in the background
is also trained as a doctor. As well as being Carlo's right hand man.

Feel inadequate?
I did.

So I've asked them to find a 3 headed clown (ha!), to make myself feel better.
Going to meet them now. If they've found one I may have to kill myself.

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