Funny Dream Shoes

My latest funky shoes come recommended by two daughters and have the name "Funny Dream"; even the black ones, although they could have been called "Dark Nightmare.
Influenced by the poem "When I am old I shall wear purple", I thought these lovelies would be a step in the right direction.

I expect that there will be bad luck lurking round the corner if I believe the old folk's tale that you should never put new shoes on the table, even for blip purposes

Today came under the banner - 'When the cat's away, the mice will play', and play I did in the first instance with another friend o.m.t's, living near the old castle. I seem to cultivate friends multitalented in arts and crafts.

Then it was a push through the crowds of Central Edinburgh to meet up with Darsa a Finnish blipper who has come over to the birthplace of blip to record his 1000th blip.
Marcmont, Allan and I had a pleasant lunch with him in Hendersons.

Allan was celebrating finishing a dissertation on some IT subject which was completely over my head, but he won more admiration from me for finding a table for us in another wise packed house. That's the kind of man worth his weight in gold.

Lest Darsi felt he wasn't experiencing the full atmosphere of Edinburgh and the Fringe, the rain started as we left the restaurant, and so I imagine his walk from Stockbridge along the river to the Modern Art and Dean Art Galleries would be a wet one.

So nice to meet him and also to see the Heath Robinson camera antics of Allan. Who needs a tripod or a flash diffuser when you have a table menu, a paper napkin and some till receipts. Pure entertainment.

On the way home, there was an ambulance parked at the foot of Hanover Street with a bicycle lying on the ground beside it. The scene never fails to shock.

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