A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

On the turn

I realised, as we left to meet our friends in the pub -( R the paper boy from yesterday's blip and Corinne my walking partner) that I hadn't taken a photo today for blip.
We had Grace to get off to Manchester and after she left I was trying to catch up with my holiday photos. ( I love having Grace to stay but it is always a whirlwind!)

So I took a few snaps of the flowers on the front steps. This window box always does well, especially as we have been away for three weeks. Chris tells me it is about to 'turn' meaning finish but I think it still looks pretty good. He does a good job with his pots of flowers around the garden and is no mean cook either. I have just eaten pasta with his home made roast tomato sauce which he has been busy making since we got back to use up the glut of tomatoes produced in our absence.

Delicious - better than anything in a jar!

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