B.Love & Special Sauce

Hello, Brittany!

We had Clinical Medicine: Abdominal Edition this afternoon. It was actually thoroughly entertaining. I still have never been able to feel the edge of a liver -- yet. And all my hopes and dreams of feeling my dad's liver went out the window. Alas.
Need to practice the exams on Brighton and Leah before too much time elapses.

This week is crazy. Cell Science final exam on Friday morning. I am officially in full panic mode. Red Alert. LGT tonight.. scared me. I am terrified of how little I have remembered, have absorbed, and can regurgitate. There is so much information. Why have I been wasting my time for the past two weeks?

I feel like I have undiagnosed ADD. So many things pulling my brain in all four corners. Need to focus in the center.

Mmmm. It's gonna be a hard next couple of days.

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