A Fleeting Moment

By AFleetingMoment

Getting Stuck In

So the last few days have been busy for me at work. Training up a temp since Monday so that she can cover for me today and tomorrow. I'd book these off to spend a day with A and didn't realise that it was the bank holiday weekend. Kinda stirred up a few problems at work, but hey, if I ask for the holiday and they give it to me then they can't complain when they've got problems.

Now I usually take these two days off to prepare for the National Airsoft Event which takes place this weekend. This year however, I don't have the funds to go, plus a couple of other things means I can relax and have five days to myself.

I spent the day with A whilst she had a couple of things to do. I really do enjoy spending time with her and hope that we can keep this friendship going. It's fun to hang out with her, even if she does like the take the piss out of me regularly, but that was the same during our relationship.

And, finally, we had a friendly game this evening (hence the blip of my boots and shin pad). Nice to be back playing football again, but we didn't manage a full game, since the light was fading and the pitch didn't have any flood lights. Lost this game 4-3 (I think, can't really remember, oh well)

Well, gotta prepare for this busy weekend ahead. Don't know what I'll do tomorrow, but I'll think of something. Might go for a run and get my legs out if the weather's nice.

Oh, the comfort ?
the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person ?
having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words,
but pouring them all right out,
just as they are,
chaff and grain together;
certain that a faithful hand will take and sift them,
keep what is worth keeping,
and then with the breath of kindness blow the rest away.

Dinah Craik ~ Friendship (in The Best Loved Poems of the American People)

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