Kirstie Gossage

By KirstieG

Look what I've made!

As you know, I am not a person who is arty or designy. I just don't have a creative streak at all, I really wish I was. I saw Tiree Dawson put a link to a Rockett St George canvas made up of badges and I thought 'surely, even I can do that!!' If you get chance, check out the website - I am addicted to the stuff they sell.

And here it is! Finished last night and will go in the room we are decorating.

It is wet and miserable here today and looks like no let up. The kitchen floor is awash with muddy paws - why did I teach the dogs how to push open the door?!? I just know I'll spend all weekend with the dust sheets over the floor to keep it clean (once I've mopped it that is!)

Tonight we are taking Simons parents out for dinner - they celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary in a couple of weeks, so it's our treat.

Have a fab weekend folks x x

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