Capital adventures

By marchmont

Hey Joe!

Our founder, announcing 'groups' at Festival Frolics tonight. Lots of stats about the exponential growth of the 'world of blip'. That's me and you and everyone else that is involved. It was great to meet another group of blippers f2f - and to meet some of the rest of you over the live link. Isn't the world a wonderful place?

Rest of the day:

curtain lady came

I had my 10 seconds of 'fame' on BBC Radio Scotland (you mean you didn't hear me?) I was at the Brian Taylor debate, hosted today by Glenn Campbell, at the Parliament. There were, inevitably, questions about the trams (if you don't know the saga just Google 'Edinburgh trams'). So the microphone gets thrust in my face and I have to comment - 'buses better , trams too expensive' is the gist. Actually it was more interesting to see how a live broadcast is done. How does he talk, listen and deal with the instructions down the ear piece all at the same time?

Then, guess what, it rained. It was also cold. Cold and wet - what a combination. I took myself out to the Grange to see the folks and my b - in - l, D, over from the Ardeche. Mum and Dad are going back tomorrow, very, very early.

And then to 'Insight', for 'Festival Frolics'. Some of my Festival blips even made it up on the bid screen - there is hope for me yet.

Thanks, Jo.

(PS - while standing at George Square yacking about both France and singing with fellow blippers, Arthur Smith walked past & I heard we missed Graham Norton earlier)

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