Still waiting!

I love this pile of lovely wooden poles that Terry has accumulated over the past few years...especially at that golden time of the day....the juxtaposition of them against the raw and uncut version of the same is always interesting to me! much like real life!!

It's been a strange day here weather minute fine and sunny - the next a torrential downpour! Took myself off for the first longish walk since twisting my ankle a couple of weeks ago.....i'm amazed at how long it takes for such a silly and quick mishap to heal.....also how much weaker my legs are from not walking most days! I only managed about 1/2 the distance i usually go before i began to ache - but other than that it's been a slowish day! a few customers, funny thing too, they were all from Ontario....kinda nice to know that they are all taking my pots 'back' to my old place of home!

Dinner and a good movie.....LA Confidential....old but good....Richard purchased a few movies at good old Value Village a couple of weeks we've gotten into this funny little routine the past week - dinner in front of a movie! not bad i have to say!!

Have a good weekend blippers.

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