a day in the life of Jack

By jacksmom726

Go Home Irene!

Jack and I headed down to Westbrook today for the annual Westbrook Muster.
Fife and drum corps. from all over New England meet in town and camp in a field, playing music, having competitions, and marching in a parade.

Because of Hurricane Irene about to hit this evening, the parade seemed smaller, I'm sure due to people needing to be home tending to their houses. Still, it was fun and the rain held off!

After the parade, Jack and I took a quick spin down to the ocean and walked out on the jetty. No big waves as I had hoped, it was a bit early for that. But we did see all of the houses boarded up (or in the process of being boarded up) while we were down there. I feel sorry for the people with these homes directly on the water, most of them just held up by cinder blocks, as this one is in the photo.

Historical flooding, sustained winds of 90 m.p.h. and gusts of 110 m.p.h., and up to 12 inches of rain is expected over the next 24 hours or so.

I'm going to make some banana bread and finish up the laudry before we lose power...they say to expect to lose it for up to 10 days!

I will blip with my iPhone over the next few days if I need to, first, to keep up with my continuous blipping but also to let everyone know we are alright.

Good luck to everyone on the Eastern part of the US....stay safe!!

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