Another Day

By pcc

Heart of the Anemone.

These little flowers have served me well. I photographed them back in July, and they are still flowering now. I have not got very many of them to make a show, but just enough for me to admire. Their center's are so beautiful, and change as they age.

Re our concrete front fence that was crashed into yesterday and smashed - well we had a knock at the door last night, and a very nervous young Chinese man came to tell us that he had caused the damage. He had been to our door twice before. He was apparently on his way to a funeral, and had flowers on the front seat, and as he came around the corner they went to fall on the ground and his attention was diverted, hence him driving up onto the footpath and crashing in to the fence. He was prepared to pay for the fence, and was so pleased that we were not angry, and he went away with a peaceful mind. All resolved, it was not hooligans, and was in the morning not at night that it happened.
We were not angry because he was so honest and came to see us, and no one was hurt.

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