Eye Of The Daftspaniel

By daftspaniel

Guerilla Public Art?

A very brisk walk on the beach this afternoon due to the brr of the weather. Whilst the boys played with a washed up plank and Marta entertained the dog with a discovered ball, I clambered up the rocks. Always on the look out for firewood, you see :-) I stumbled upon this artwork - pollution attempt, radical guerilla public art or maybe an opportunist mess - who knows. It was eye catching certainly and almost irresistible for a blip.

I did involve myself with some other paint during the day - wood stain for the fence and shed. How boring by comparison :-) It was windy today which made a good day for it. In fact, a gust got me on the rocks and I nearly spilt some red stuff on there! Close call.

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