Beth Wester Ross

By bethceol


There are just some days when things, and time, get away from me.

Friday was just one of those days. The usual insanity at work, and then a classical music concert last night in Poolewe.

A few weeks ago, I perhaps foolishly agreed to play something at this concert. So, I trotted along, and did a wee piece of Chopin called the Prelude in B minor, which I have loved all my life. It's quite simple, but then most of the best things in life are just that.

However, the concert went on for over 2 hours without a break, and some of the items could only loosely be termed 'musical'. Why do people play/sing things which are patently too difficult for them? Is it an inward desire to 'show off'? They were all the more obvious as some of the other artists were excellent. Anyway, some of it was pretty bad, and I didn't get home until close to midnight.

I opened the boot of the car, and pondered the mess within.

Spades and peat cutters, duly sharpened by Allan in the Techy dept. ready for the peat cutting.
Bag of shopping for the cooking of dinner for the peat cutters.
Baskets of dog stuff and car stuff.
Coats,(why do I have 4 of them in the car???) fleecies, boots and walking poles (you can never be too ready to go for a hike.... like that has happened recently)
Keyboard amplifier & music.


With 10 minutes to spare in the day, this is what I blip. My camera is ashamed.....

Peat cutting Saturday may produce a more interesting shot; wouldn't be hard.

Sorry to go on; I just hate it when I don't do better. I remember someone once had an acronym for just this sort of last minute crap. Anyone remember what it was? I just made up one of my own.


Hellish Blip Syndrome

There should be a support group.

Oh, yes, this is IT.

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