Looks Good To Me

By Pilipo

Rock Rustlers

I haven't found many rocks when planting trees and shrubs on our humble estate. There were some largish chunks of friable sandstone -- it crumbles rapidly when exposed to our moist climate -- and some smaller rocks that I was unable to identify. We bought a few large rocks to add to the landscaping. They look odd if you just plonk them on the ground so you have to dig a hole and almost bury them -- reminds me of icebergs.

C is fond of her rocks -- even the smallest ones -- so she was very upset when some of them disappeared recently. Today she caught a culprit red-handed and explained very clearly how she felt about his actions. It was one of the neighborhood young scooter riders. They've been laying out elaborate courses on the street and sidewalks using chalk lines and "borrowed" rocks and soil from the adjoining yards. I'm sure there's at least one budding civil engineer among them.

I suppose it's a bit odd that C has no desire to own the small very expensive rocks that some (most?) women crave, but I'm not complaining.

The sign was not my idea.

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