Me, myself & I

By AlisonMM

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

Chitty Bang Bang Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Chitty Bang Bang Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Chitty Bang Bang Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Oh you pretty Chitty Bang Bang,
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
We love you.

Went to a motor and airshow Wings & Wheels at Dunfold airfield (where they film Top Gear). Lots of lovely vintage cars, bikes, buses and planes to blip but I just had to blip this. CCBB is one of my favourite films - hands up who's still afraid of the Child Catcher? Yep, me too!

I had my picture taken sitting in a Porche but I really fell in love with a Fiat 500 owned by a lady driving instructor who was trying to drum business. Bit late for me, I passed my test 30 years ago! The Fiat 500 is really dinky and cute and is actually now smaller than a mini. I want one!

Apologies for a lack of blips over the past couple of days - been busy and the weather has been pants! My personal trainer (the OM) and I went for a run/walk around Virginia Water lake first thing Saturday morning, managing to dodge the rain. I finished painting the bathroom ceiling and baked yet more spicy apple muffins. After Wings & Wheels we rushed off to Beckenham to my cousin Gill's for dinner and for us to meet each other's boyfriends. It all went well, the OM didn't stop talking! Barbecue tomorrow and then back to work for a rest on Tuesday!

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