
By SomeGuyInNJ

Theres a feeling I get when I look to the west

"There's a feeling I get when I look to the west,
And my spirit is crying for leaving.
In my thoughts I have seen rings of smoke through the trees,
And the voices of those who stand looking.
Ooh, it makes me wonder,
Ooh, it really makes me wonder."

Also large

I wonder if everybody is getting fed up with me always posting star trails? My wife certainly is, she says everybody will unsubscribe soon if I keep doing it :-) I'm sure you guys aren't like that :-)

This shot is a composite of about fifty 30 second exposures. The night was a little damp feeling even though it hadnt rained, although I guess the water from Irene still hasnt all drained away even up here on the mountain. I started to notice the tripod was feeling a little cool and wet. Across all the images you can see the middle slowly misting up, the stars in the center fading away and the tree tops getting blurred. Ah well, things cant be perfect every night.

So this is what you see in the night sky when you look west. The north star is out of image to the right so we get no circles of rotation around it but you can see the curve produced by the stars apparent rotation around the north star. What we can also see on the left side of the image is the switch where instead of curving north the stars are curving to the south. Between the stars curving to the north and south are some thatappear to be going ina straight line, these I presume are perpendicular to the axis of earths rotation, half way between north and south.

The cable and power are going out occassionally here so we end up with no internet, phone or tv for periods of time. Its amazing when you have power but no internet, phone or tv just how many things you turn to do that require them. :-) Ah well, could be a lot worse.

Ive blipped several star shots recently heres a few of them:

-Through Irenes Tail
-Galaxy Gun
-Star Trails on the Flight Path

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