Scattered Polaroids

By sp

I've had the classic 'what's in my bag?' shot in my mental blip bank for years.
Thought I'd finally utilise it.

So (clockwise, ish):
1. Camera. Of course. Although this is actually my brother's, so I could use mine to take the photo.
2. Sketchbook. I used to have one I took everywhere, but I took it everywhere so much that it got too heavy. So now I rely on a selection of small ones.
3. Sunglasses. Perfect for when I want to annoy Pose by wearing them when it's not sunny.
4. Keys... for opening things. Doors, mainly.
5. Pens. And a paintbrush. Art student.
6. Phone. Actually, more than is probably socially acceptable these days, it's not in my bag - much to the annoyance of everyone I know.
7. Burt's Bees lip balm. Amazing. And it makes it smell like I'm constantly eating mint ice cream.
8. Train tickets. Not really intentional, but I always seem to have a stupidly large number of them in there.
9. Purse. Erm... for buying things.
10. Ipod. Because like everyone else of my generation, silence is no longer acceptable.
11. Mirror... for staring at myself adoringly for about at least 23 hours every day.

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