Kirstie Gossage

By KirstieG

Moooooooos looking at me now??

Well, following on from yesterday I was determined to be up close and personal with the moo cows tonight.

I have to say they are mahoosive and as they responded so well to my calls they all rushed over to me, and I wanted to run away - there were about 35 of them! V daunting but Si told me I was a wuss (he was in the field adjacent with the dogs), so I just stood there and they surrounded me. They are so cute though despite how huge they are. The one in the picture was posing like a supermodel and I got a whole load of great shots. Although this isn't the clearest I love the tongue sticking out. There was another who looked like the bovine equivalent of Stanley!

I could get a bit repetitive on the cow Blips!!

Woohoooooo, its the weekend. I am so ready for it, I can tell you. I told Si that I am not cooking tonight so he had a choice of cooking, or take-out or taking me out for dinner. He took the latter so we are off our for a curry. I will catch up with y'all and all the Blips later!

Happy Friday everyone x x

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