Kirstie Gossage

By KirstieG

Saturday Clear Out

I like this shot of Casper as I think he looks like he is frowning. I thought it best to Blip early, as if I wait till later you are likely to get another cow Blip! I know you all like cows BUT I dont want to risk getting trampled after Damnonii sent me THIS link!

Casper is hobbling round the house today - we can't find any grass seeds but his paw seems to be causing him some discomfort so we will have to keep an eye on it. The vets on Monday if it doesn't seem any better.

Today I have been having a clear out and will be putting it all on eBay later. I am sure I really don't need 15 pairs of jeans!!! So, I have been taking lots of photos but I am sure I will get bored half way through......I get so easily distracted. BUT as we go away at the end of the month for by birthday/anniversary all the pennies add up for treats!

My friend is coming round shortly as we are both having an eBay blitz. She is staying for dinner as her OH is away, fajitas and nachos for dinner - yummy! I've bought a few bottles of pink bubbly to celebrate that it's Saturday.......

Happy Weekend Blippers :)

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