Kirstie Gossage

By KirstieG

Blast from the past

I don't really talk about me and my life on here. So, this is a first. Although watered down so as not to bore you all!

My mum's second husband adopted me and my brother and it would be fair to say we probably didn't have the greatest child hood. I always think it's a shame because he was lucky enough to 'choose us', we weren't foisted on him, he chose to adopt us and bring us up. I haven't seen 'my dad' for about 11 years now.

Tonight on the dog walk as we walked past our local pub, I thought I saw him there in the garden with his family. We carried on the walk with me on the verge of an anxiety attack - do I go over and say something. I don't do confrontation, I don't like upset so the easy thing was to say no. But, I guess you can change as you get older so I went over. 'He' wasn't there but his family all were - I think I saw his family and presumed he was there when I saw a grey haired man.

They were so lovely - bearing in mind I haven't seen some of them for about 15 years! In the photo above is Sarah (I grew up, adoring her and wanting to be her. She was so glamourous and gorgeous, and still is - my dad's cousin), Sue (my dad's sister - she likes a bevy and she is the only one I have seen on and off through the years), and Julie (my dads sister - totally bonkers!). I have to say they were genuinely pleased to see me and despite what a c**k my dad has been, these people were nothing to do with his behaviour. I was so nervous but there was no need. Sarah lives in New Zealand and wants us to go live there (we have looked at emigrating before so this was a hot topic).

We stayed for a drink but had to leave after an hour as the dinner was in oven BUT thank goodness for Facebook, I guess!

So Blippers - this is why you should always carry your camera with you. You never know who you will bump into...........

PS - Any tips for not looking like a chipmunk on photos? (Check out my cheeks!!)

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