Bangkok Tattoo

By BangkokTattoo


200 - that's the number of drops of water on my lens after this shot. And also the number of blips I've posted. Since it took me almost 2 years to reach this milestone, everyone now knows what an inconsistent blipper I've been. But it's been fun and I've enjoyed a lot of conversations and photos over that time.

Bangkok Tattoo is somewhat out of date but I'm not ready to change the name yet. Now I live north of NYC, waiting to close on a house, enjoying the lower Hudson valley. Somehow, New York Tattoo doesn't have the same ring to it.

I just got a new iphone (replacing the original iphone) so now I'll have a reasonable camera with me at all times. So no more excuses for not blipping more often!

Thanks to Linda (below) for reminding me that I didn't credit where I got the idea for the photo - This work featured on the NY Times Lens Blog is all on shaking dogs. Carli Davidson was much more successful at it with cooler breeds in the studio.

Dog's name: Singye, which means Snow Lion in her native tongue of Dzongkha (we got her in Bhutan). Here's an earlier blip of her in a drier state.

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