a divine moment...

...with an old friend

i had my blip for today all picked out - done... planned... good to go...

until i heard a noise in the bathroom - thump, thump... going to check it out, i found gracie in the sink - turning 'round and 'round and 'round in the bowl... i couldn't help but laugh as she stared at me - almost daring me to grab the camera... of course you know what happens...

plus... it brought back a wonderful memory - shortly after i began blipping... gracie started this habit of jumping into the sink - and the bathtub, too. just sitting there - and staring into space or doing what i endearingly would call meditating... i caught her a few times and blipped her... molly would find this simply adorable and make the cutest comments back to me... she always thought gracie was the most beautiful cat and precious in her antics...

so catching gracie in this pose today... well - it made me think ever so fondly of molly and the little chats we had regarding our animals... the giggles they gave us and the memories forged forever in our hearts. there was just no way i couldn't post it... share it with you all - knowing you'd understand the special memory it brought forth - therefore making

for a

happy day.....

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