bee purple...

...yes - it's a purple bee

i had to look twice - probably more than that if i want to be honest... and then googled as well - to make sure - there are indeed - purple bees... boo! who knew?

i had another blip all picked out - until i was doing the doubletake with this one... it's kind of bright - so pull out the sunglasses... but then relish the incredible color of purple bee - at least i've ever seen... all fuzzy - sort of glowy... have you ever observed such a bitty thing? oh - oh... and this is also straight out of the camera, people! another one of those times i get to say - outside a bit of cropping, what you see is what you get... how cool is that?

so nature surprised me again today... the good lord knew i needed it - after the misery i've been in with this rash of mine... it's those little things - the simple moments... catching me off guard when i least expect it - which will always make for...


happy day.....

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