Darrell K Morris

By darrellkmorris

New Day, New Brighton

8 p.m. A House Somewhere In Shrewsbury, Shropshire

I cannot deny that I like (and collect) postcards. This is now common knowledge and I even receive some through the post from twitter followers.

So, it was interesting to arrive back in Shropshire to find that my mum has inherited some 'Vintage' or old postcards from a recent bereavement. What I have found during my research through these postcards was that the multi photo postcard has been popular for many decades now. Sadly, the days of high colour saturation photos of British holiday camps are over. As are the days of Good Luck Cat postcards.

This one of New Brighton came as a bit of a shock that it seems to have the grandiose nature of nearby Southport and doesn't resemble Martin Parr's New Brighton of the 1980s. I shall have to pay a visit to see for myself and maybe buy some postcards.

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