
By Runningbackwards


There's reflected light, you can see a bit of me taking the shot, it's not a textbook shot but there you are - I kind of like it.

If I was being arty I might suggest that the reflection of myself in the glass means something significant. Animal viewing animal, etc..

Not the time or the place to go on about zoos save to say that they seem to do some important work for endangered species. See, I've stated an opinion.

Anyway Alfred was a star attraction in Bristol Zoo from 1930 until his death in 1948. Apparently he disliked bearded men amongst other things.

His stuffed body was kidnapped in a rag week stunt in 1956 but returned after 3 days. Them crazy students!

There are 61 gorilla statues all around Bristol at the moment, a great selection of which have been captured by Joe Clarke. They are there to celebrate 175 years of Bristol Zoo and will be auctioned at the end of the month.

Football coaching started again this morning so I found myself with 17 Year 2 boys and my fellow coaches earlier today. Some parents have got together this year to sell refreshments so we had the bonus of a hot cup of tea at the end.

Son #2 went shopping and ambling this afternoon (he was on my shoulders). Running shop, card shop and then to the museum to see Alfred and an exhibition of Chinese china!

Running shop man said it's all about forefoot running. I made him aware that I'm mostly a heel man but he seemed to think there was hope!

5.02 miles @ 9.14 min/mile - 20 miles tomorrow so if no blip you know why..!

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