
By CleanSteve

The Crown and Sceptre beer festival in Stroud

It was mid-afternoon by the time I got to the Crown and Sceptre's beer festival. It was buzzing with food being served under an awning in the car park and the end of the Home-grown produce, brewing and baking competitions. That was in the large marquee tent erected on the lower garden, which had at least eight tables covered by all the produce, a small stage at one end where the bands will play this evening, and the bar across the whole other end, which two rows holding more than forty different barrels of ale, from all over the country.

It was very jovial, especially after I tried the Batcombe Brunel Special, and then another. Mike came to say hello, as we don't see each other so often now he has resigned from being a councillor. His wife and her allotment partner had won two prizes and they were delighted. I also met a Dave and Ruth, from across the valley in Rodborough who were there for the fun. It turned out I had got in Dave's way last wednesday at the meeting about Stroud Hospital, but he forgave me when I explained I was taking photographs to try and publicise the situation. They were both extremely cross about what these proposals will mean for us all. I encouraged them to try and do a bit, even if only by writing letters to papers. He has already written previously to our MP and got a very unhelpful reply. I remember when working in television production that even if only a relatively few letters of complaint were received by the channel following a broadcast, they were taken seriously and were passed to the programme makers. It is important.

At 4-30pm Rodda, the landlord introduced the prize-giving and handed the mic to his friend to make the announcements. There was lots of clapping for all the winners whether they were little children, pensioners or even Clive W. (I say that because he won at least eight first-prizes for his vegetables, as he did last year!). Clive lives round the corner, and is a regular at the pub and is the local chimney sweep, who I blipped here.

Fred, who is another friend of ours, is here on the left taking pictures of the winners for publicity purposes. He is a very good local photographer and is helps running the local photographic group, Photostroud, who are very involved in promoting and celebrating photography in the Stroud area, supporting photographers and encouraging new talent. He told me about the current involvement in various local projects related to the writer Lorca, which are ongoing.

The MC seemed to know this man who won the prize for best home-made wine, which seemed to be a very popular decision. Helena thought it was the best of today's pictures, and portrays the local joie-de-vivre. Aren't we lucky to have this community vitality just around the corner.

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