
By katish

Day Thirteen: Hike to Iceberg Lake

We wanted to do a day hike but weren't sure that we would really be able to hike ten miles, especially after trying to do just a few miles around Sunrift Gorge and being tired. Part of it might have been the least that was our excuse haha. But we hiked up to Ptarmigan Falls and felt that we could hike the rest of the way to Iceberg Lake, and I'm so glad that we did or we would've missed out on this incredible view! And we also would've missed out on really seeing some glacial action in Glacier. Unfortunately, quite a few of the glaciers are melting quickly due to climate change, so we really didn't get a good look at any glaciers previous to this. The sight was so welcoming. Yes, the water was freezing, but totally worth dipping your feet into lol. On the hike back, we made a friend in Dustin. A local from the area who regaled us with stories from living in Montana, and visiting Hawaii, and all the crazy things he's done with his bachelorhood. Nice to have some conversation going anyway. We had heard all the way up the trail about grizzly sightings but were thankful not to have any sightings of our own until we actually left the trail! On the drive out Many Glacier Road, all the cars were stopped to let some grizzlies pass and we were able to see a mama and two of her cubs! So, that was the closest we had ever seen grizzlies on our trip! Pretty cool. Also saw mountain goats today, and some ptarmigans.

Okay, more about the photo! On the drive back, we stopped at Logan Pass to take some photos of the sunset and when we turned back toward our car, we saw that this rainbow had appeared out of nowhere. What a blessing! At one point, there was even a double rainbow. We bolted out of our car to take some shots haha.

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