Living In The Valley

By CatbirdCottage

Surprise Bean

What a busy Saturday it's been.... and I've pretty well have been home for most of it :)

I had spied a new butterfly I believe, but couldn't really get a good clear shot of it. I can't begin to tell you how hot I was standing there watching that butterfly deliberately hide from me.

Then the fun part of the day started. The hubster & I started work on the new porch room we have now. This is where I sat down in the bucket of cleaning water a few weeks ago. Today we put a new floor down, or he did most of it. (Can I just point out that I am being a tiny bit facetious when I say it was fun) At least it is now complete....

Just thought I'd go with the simple blip today... I hadn't photographed the hyacinth bean vine, so here it is. I like the pretty blooms along with the seed pods that will be quite large. It is a great plant to collect seeds from and those seeds have happily grown for me the next year.

ps.. Really good news... daughter has a job.. she kind of went about her move a bit backward.... and I hope she figures that out sometime... get a job first, then you move.. Anyway, in this day & time, thank goodness it's worked out for now.

Rumbles of thunder all around today, (still extremely warm & humid) so keep fingers crossed for a bit of a rain shower..

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