
By RustyKlicker

Man makes Fire....with sticks!

Second day of our anniversary weekend away and a visit to the Scottish Crannog centre on Loch Tay.

This chap was very informative as our guide and we learned a lot of things about the inhabitants of the Crannogs (homes built on stilts in the water) which dated back to around 500years BC.

The best picture of the day was the final stages of him making fire by having basically rubbed two sticks together and added the ember he created, to a small pile of wood shavings. Its was pretty cool or is that just my caveman/pyromaniac tendencies kicking in?

Anyway, home now and I will have some more images to post on Flikr or Folio later this week. Cheers.

oh and i Backblipped yesterdays if you have the time or inclination.


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