all those little things

By allig83

Why I decided to join blipfoto....

This is exactly what I was looking at when I realized that I should start blipping. I have been following Angela's blips forever, but it never even occurred to me to start my own. I just started college so I feel like it will be a good way to document the year. I really hope I can remember to do it. We'll see what happens.
I was trying to study, but when I got to the library I realized it was closed for Labor Day weekend, so I set up all my stuff in a little booth near Jazzman's. It turned out to be a really comfy and quiet spot. I was on tumblr and read this really cheesy inspirational post that was giving advice to new college students like me. #32 really set it off:

"Take a lot of pictures. One of my major regrets in life is that I didn?t take more pictures in college. My excuse was the cost of film and processing. Digital cameras are cheap and you have plenty of hard drive space, so you have no excuse."

If you want to read the whole list, go here:

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