all those little things

By allig83


I spent a pretty good portion of my night trying to make sense out of excerpts from John Stuart Mill's Utilitarianism for my philosophy class with my friend Mike. Erin joined us for some typical trolling. At one point the smell of doritos just permeated the air and it was all we could think about. Then Erin left and came back with a bag of doritos. Upon smelling the actual doritos, we realized that the smell we had smelled before must have actually been chinese food, because the bag of doritos smelled totally different. This photo was taken with photobooth because it's only the second day and I already almost forgot to take a picture for the day :/ It's really hard to remember, I guess because I never know when it's a good time to take a picture because a better opportunity to take a picture might come along later. I guess I could solve this by just taking pictures whenever I feel like it.

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