Incey Wincey...

I felt a little like Robert the Bruce on the bus today.

I had a little tiny spider friend who kept climbing up and down a thread as the bus pitched and leaned.

A bit out of focus. Well, a lot out of focus but after a day like today, this is a good as it gets.

You know when you think something is a good idea until it bites you firmly on the ass.

I taught Bethany a wee trick or rather showed her how to complete a task, a couple of months ago. The task involved getting onto the first step of the stairs and leaning over enough to be able to turn the front door key.

I think you can probably guess where this is going...

All is well and we got back into the house. Hopefully she isn't too traumatised by the whole affair. I wasn't here at the time but the sight of Bethany lying on the floor cuddling her brother whilst wailing sounds like a bit much too take.

Big thanks go to my neighbour who helped Mrs TFP get into the house and managed to not even break the window he managed to get into.

Ta John...

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