Daunti's world

By daunti

my so called alter

Now that I have just finished my 100th blip as of yesterday and have graduated it's time for something new. I really liked doing the tropical theme when I was vacationing in Florida so I thought I would do another theme. I see alot of you experienced blipper doing that so I am following in your footsteps. Some do bugs, really scary gross bugs (Powercut, love them ), some do their kids, some dogs, some do flowers. I think mine is going to be home. Some of my favorite place in my home and some of my favorite things in my home. So we will see how this goes, not sure how long it will last. I guess until I run out of places or things or when I'm bored with it. But for now going with it.

So I'm starting in my room. My room is filled with my stuff, my world. My husband has his studio that has his stuff and his world in it. Then we have our room which is ours together. Sounds wierd or like we have a giant house but that is not the case. His studio is in the den area and my room was my older daughter room when she lived home.

This is kinda like my alter, it has lots of my favorite things on it. Incenses, candles, oils, sea glass, sea shells, gemstones...just to name a few. Things that bring me peace. It's one of the places I go when I need a time out. Time out for prayer, time out to meditate, time out to just sit and be quiet.

... I love time outs, just sayin...

day 1 ... {home theme}

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