Following in Kiwilizzie's footsteps

Yesterday on our way home from Christchurch I slammed on my brakes so that Kiwilizzie could get a photo of the hawk that was sitting in the middle of the road in front of us.

Today, travelling to a meeting in Nelson, I passed a hawk right beside the road. He didn't even move as cars drove past, he was so intent on his roadkill meal. So I turned around as soon as I could pull off and I drove back very slowly with my window down and my camera on my knee. Of course as soon as I pulled up across from him, and before I could pick up my camera and get him him in focus, he took off. At least I managed to get an almost in focus shot of him glaring back over his shoulder at me.

I didn't have time to wait around in the hopes that he might return so this is as good as it gets today.

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