a day in the life of Jack

By jacksmom726

Rain, rain...

Rain, rain
go away....
come again another day!

Jack and I sang this song today while waiting at the bus stop. It was pouring out!

The bus must have been running late today, we waited in the rain for about a half hour before it came and took Jack to school! We also sang 'Bus Stop' by the Hollies. He loves that song!!

He was excited to go to school, although I had to break it to him that their would be no recess in Kindergarten. In preschool, the kids had a 20 minute break where they could go out and play on the playground, run around and burn off some energy.

Looking forward to seeing what he has for homework tonight, and I think he had library today, so he may have a book that he was able to take home!

Maybe this rain will stop so things can dry up a bit....

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